
Out to the Admin Soldier Readiness Processing, they got my pay started – so that was worthwhile.  Everything else was just having them check off on forms and lists to say I’d done what I was supposed to do.  Then to CIF to get our Rapid Fielding Initiative items.  I was told before hand that I wouldn’t be issued any and now I’m told I am to be issued everything, MOLLE pack, sleep system, etc. etc.   But it’s all optional so I’ll just take the non-recoverable items and a new ACH helmet and leave the rest (Oh, and the extreme cold weather kit, it’s pretty neat and the long johns are keepers).  Back to CRC and wait for five hours so we can go to an office where they will check once more to ensure we did the mandatory training that they checked the first day and had us sign a list about the second day.   Continuing to have fun, well maybe not.

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