But the full moon was 3 days ago!

Yesterday I worked at the SRP most of the day while contractors came through.  They only can get a fill-in-the-blanks power of attorney from us unless they are retired military.  Today we had military and gov’t civilians and there were a lot of IRR guys who needed a lot of things done.  I  worked the SRP for about 12 hours and I prepared about 14 wills and had several consults, most of which involved military regulations that I’d never dealt with before.  Some guys wanted to know about medical issues, others about getting married before they leave the country, one had questions about his citizenship application.

The office asked me if I wanted them to request my reassignment to Ft. Benning.  At first I said no, this is fun but it’s no Germany.  But then, I got copied on an e-mail this evening that said that I might be “facing . . . return to home station” which means they’d send me home and take me off active duty – over an accounting code.  This is dumbness beyond dumbness, because some numbers are misplaced they might not just have a delay in fixing it, they may have to admit defeat – Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Over.  If you want to defeat the American’s start a war and then screw up some accounting lines, they won’t be able to move the troops.  I just don’t believe this, it’s beyond all of my wildest imaginings of stupid and I’ve been dealing with the Army since 1987 – believe me, I’ve seen some pretty dumb stuff.

Tonight I was also baffled to see that a friend, Jihad Muhaisen, who is an attorney in Denver, can’t use his real name on Facebook, even though there are multiple accounts for most modern dicators, such as Pol Pot, Roberto Mugabe, and Saddam Hussain (even though he’s dead).  I discovered this because one of my friends on Facebook lists one of the Saddam accounts among his “friends”.  I won’t mention that he actually knew the real Saddam or I’ll start some conspiracy theories going about whether Saddam is actually dead.  Shhh!

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