Mission not so impossible

Today I worked at the OSJA on main post.  We were going to speak with the Deputy about asking OTJAG to have me assigned to Benning rather than the possibility of me being “returned to home station” which would mean being released from active duty (and job hunting).    The Deputy was busy for a while and while we were waiting, I got a call from Charlie Company at the CRC saying they had received my amended orders and were getting me a ticket. Apparently, HRC St. Louis finally gave in and amended the orders but said they won’t issue orders like I now have for anyone else.  From now on if you select PCS, you won’t go through the CRC.

I told them I would only fly out of Atlanta as I don’t want to lose my bags on an international flight and they weren’t able to schedule ground transportation for today, so they scheduled me for tomorrow.  I quickly wrapped up the three matters I had pending and went to rent a car for the night.  Several of us met over at Mike Tregle’s house and played poker, I was down twenty at one point but ended up ahead twenty.

In the morning I’m going to meet with CPT Dulhaney for an interview for switching over to the Regular Army in the JAG.  It’s not a committment at all, but knocks out one of the steps in case I decide to go forward with it.  Much easier to do it here than in Germany.  I must head for Atlanta by noon.  My flight is around 4:30 and will arrive in Frankfurt on Friday morning around 7:30.

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