
I look across to the other side of the bar where
Young men stand drinking shots, there are no long tables here.
Whom shall I Prost?

Young women order rum and coke and stand behind me, sneering,
Pissed, either they think I’m hitting on them or wish I were.
Whom shall I Prost?

I look down at my 10 oz. five dollar beer that they call
strong here in Utah and I laugh
With what shall I Prost?

I ordered Gemütlichkeit but all I got was a three-two draft.
I am in my motherland, yet in this place
I am the only foreigner now.
Why should I Prost?

Lines 11 & 12 are adapted from lines 5 & 6 of “Dorfabend”, by Hermann Hesse, published in Gedichte, 1919.

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