About Me

Deirdre Anne Hendrick is an attorney, auditor, and cybersecurity professional living near Annapolis, Maryland. In addition to her full-time job she is an officer in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, currently serving in an Army Reserve detachment of the the US Army Trial Defense Service. She is also a mom and a wife and a transgender woman.

You can learn more about Deirdre at her LinkedIn Profile

Her views in this blog do not represent the views of her employer. For that matter they may not even represent her own views; either because the views published used literary devices such as satire or hyperbole, or may have even been fictional, or because Dee changed her mind after writing them.

Deirdre’s writing interests include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Philosophy, particularly classical ethics
  • Gender theory
  • Information, information theory, information warfare, and information security
  • Jurisprudence, especially the areas of gender, wild law (a jurisprudence in which nature has enforceable rights), penology (theories of punishment), and the application of probability and statistics to determinations of guilt
  • National defense theory, particularly the strategic implications of cataclysmic environmental change
  • Evolutionary research, particularly the evolution of reptiles, dinosaurs, and birds
  • Historical linguistics, especially reconstructed language
  • Number theory
  • Fermentation, particularly uncontrolled fermentation

At least these are the things she is interested in writing about.  Whether she ever has the time is another matter altogether.