I’ve got an office, maybe now they’ll ship me

So, I did some research for the Chief of Legal Assistance, CPT Dean, while I waited around for the USAREUR LNO (US Army Europe Liason Officer) to show up in her office.  She got in about 11:30, I was waiting for her, and she says, “I want you to know I haven’t forgotten about you, I’ve been working on getting you out of here”.  Somehow, showing up at 11:30 doesn’t inspire confidence.  She then proceeds to call the people at HRC St. Louis who it sounds from the conversation (I am in the room at this time) haven’t heard about this problem yet.  She showed my orders to the transportation person again and now says Maine should never have cut me a ticket to come down here.

After this I took a shuttle to main post and filled in the good Captain on my research.  I asked him for more work and he gave me an office and a computer.  I figure the more I settle in the more likely they are to get things figured out and get me a ticket on very short notice, so my bags are all packed and ready to fly.  I’m going to the office tomorrow with the intention of a regular work day.

If this doesn’t work I’ll have to try to get a walk-on to airborne school, since that isn’t possible it will most certainly result in me being shipped.

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