About this Blog

This blog is severely out of date. It does not even have current pictures of the author! It has recently been migrated from an old domain name and upgraded to a recent version of WordPress. More to come when I find time.

This is blog is intended to chronical my experiences for the benefit of any interested friends or relatives and to serve as a place to publish thoughts on gender, information security, jurisprudence, ethics (the classical sense), national defense, and other areas I have an interest in from time to time. Although comments about the journal should normally be made by e-mailing me, comments and collaboration on professional or technical thoughts are welcome as long as commenters clearly identify themselves to me. Should I publish something of professional value to others, I would like to know about it and I would entertain reasonable requests to republish. Since work on here is work-in-progress, I may have more information that I haven’t published here yet. So, please contact me before using elsewhere what I’ve said here. Thank you.

Deirdre Anne

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