Begins week three of my one week stay at Ft. Benning

Last night began the third week of my stay at Ft. Benning.  Yesterday I went to the PX and sat in Starbucks reading Cormac Cullinans’s Wild Law: A Manifesto for Earth Justice through to the end.  I had gotten to a dry part in the book last Spring and set the book down, only picking it up again this Winter.  It was a very good book, the first two thirds were paradigm shattering.  The last third dragged a bit, but I’ll still read the book again, it was that good.  I will be discussing the ideas in the book here further.  Last night I paid for a day of internet service so I could get on to Facebook and also so I could work online without having to log off every thirty minutes and get back in line.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet that I’m working from a MacBook that I bought in November.  It’s my first Mac and I love it.  Interestingly, I’ve seen about a dozen laptops here since I arrived, mostly owned by officers, and all but one were MacBooks.  I find that particularly interesting, since most everything the Army has in its offices runs on Windows XP (I haven’t seen an Army computer running Vista yet, Dieu merci!).

Today more boring than most to describe, since I’ve spent most of it on this computer thingy.

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