Communication breakdown

Since I moved from a hotel to a house, I no longer have internet access outside of the office.  I can’t access Facebook at all (the Army blocks “social networking” sites) and I can’t get to my blog except before and after duty or maybe during lunch (well, I can, but I shan’t).  If anyone is trying to reach me, e-mail me.  I do see posts to Facebook as I get an e-mail telling me about them, but I can’t reply unless I have your e-mail address on this computer, which is pretty unlikely unless you’ve already heard from me.  I do have a phone at my house with a plan that includes free calling to the States (it actually costs 19 Euro cent per minute for Jessica to call my cell phone so it’s infinitely cheaper for her to call you).  Jessica has no access to e-mail at all.  We will be getting internet in a few weeks hopefully.

12.4.2009 Update: We’ve had internet at home for a week or two now and Jessica now has access to her e-mail (when she has time to check it, which isn’t that often).

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