
I have had questions about the weather.  Today is one of the coldest days since I arrived.  There was one day last week when it snowed fairly heavy for awhile but it all went away.  A few flakes now and then.  Most days it has been sunny and rather mild for the time of year.  Before I got here it was much colder I understand; but I also understand this is one of the coldest years in recent memory for this area.  I have added the local weather to the sidebar on the right and I am integrating weather into my posts.  But I am not sure whether it will change after the fact or remain fixed.  In case it changes, today’s weather is 0°C overcast with a slight breeze.


(Sorry, I had to disable the weather plug-in as it was causing an error in the display of my blog.  I’ll try to mention the weather when I post – 2009.2.3)

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