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*[[bewrays - Wiktionary]]
Random links that I found as open tabs, not sorted and mostly probably not important:
*[[Friedrich Nietzsche - We Philologists]]
*[http://www.davemckay.co.uk/philosophy/nietzsche/nietzsche.php?name=nietzsche.1874.we.philologists.kennedy Friedrich Nietzsche - We Philologists]
*[[Cousin - Wiktionary]]
*[[wikipedia:Samuel Foote]]
*[[Samuel Foote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://www.caslon.com.au/ipguide20.htm Intellectual Property: Email, Online Fora and News Services]
*[[Intellectual Property: Email, Online Fora and News Services]]
*[http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2010/index.htm Unicode Character 'HYPHEN' (U+2010)]
*[[Unicode Character 'HYPHEN' (U+2010)]]
*[[Template:Quote/s - Wikisource]]
*[[en.ws:Index:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu]]
*[[Index:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu - Wikisource]]
*[[en.ws:Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/160]]
*[[Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/160 - Wikisource]]
*[[en.ws:Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/222]]
*[[Editing Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/222 - Wikisource]]
*[[wikipedia:Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading]]
*[[nonplussed - Wiktionary]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=Professor+Nilus&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#pq=professor+nilus&hl=en&sugexp=kjrmc&cp=16&gs_id=15&xhr=t&q=Professor+Sergei+Nilus&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&client=firefox-a&hs=fph&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=Professor+SergeiNilus&aq=0lv&aqi=g-lv1&aql=f&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=25f1a21493d5da43&biw=1441&bih=844 professor sergei nilus - Google Search]
*[[Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[wikipedia:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]]
*[[professor sergei nilus - Google Search]]
*[[en.ws:Template:User annotation]]
*[[The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[wikipedia:The Jewish Peril]]
*[[Template:User annotation - Wikisource]]
*[http://docs.python.org/library/re.html 7.2. re — Regular expression operations — Python v2.7.2 documentation]
*[[The Jewish Peril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[wikipedia:Charles Duke Yonge]]
*[[7.2. re — Regular expression operations — Python v2.7.2 documentation]]
*[[All pages (Template namespace) - Wikimedia Commons]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=command+key+on+ipad&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a command key on ipad - Google Search]
*[[Charles Duke Yonge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://books.google.com/googlebooks/copyrightsearch.html Searching Google's Scans of the Catalog of Copyright Entries]
*[[Archaeopteryx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/cce/ The Catalog of Copyright Entries]
*[[command key on ipad - Google Search]]
*[[horst wessel song us publication - Google Search]]
*[[wikipedia:Alien Property Custodian]]
*[[Searching Google's Scans of the Catalog of Copyright Entries]]
*[http://books.google.com/books?id=XRuZY_QJnLEC&pg=PA234&lpg=PA234&dq=%22Abdullah+bin+Abbas+said+that+he+had+passed+a+night+in+the+house+of+Maimuna+the+mother+of+the+faithful+believers,+who+was+his+aunt.+He+said%22&source=bl&ots=upNYF_jOce&sig=1QOU7GtjYgMXy1KHI1O1ZTQncow&hl=en&ei=SK2lTv_dNub04QTMpsjMBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD0Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=%22Abdullah%20bin%20Abbas%20said%20that%20he%20had%20passed%20a%20night%20in%20the%20house%20of%20Maimuna%20the%20mother%20of%20the%20faithful%20believers%2C%20who%20was%20his%20aunt.%20He%20said%22&f=false Hadith of Bukhari: Volumes I, II ... - author - Google Books]
*[[The Catalog of Copyright Entries]]
*[[la.ws:Recensio paginae "Pagina:Hippocratis jusiurandum.jpg"]]
*[[Horst-Wessel-Lied - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[commons:File:Hymn of Russia sheet music 2001.png]]
*[[Search results for "Horst Wessel" - Wikimedia Commons]]
*[[wikipedia:Copyright law of Switzerland]]
*[[Commons:Moving to Commons - Wikimedia Commons]]
*[[wikipedia:Wikipedia:Wikiquette assistance]]
*[[Alien Property Custodian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://burg-ronneburg.de/ Burgmuseum Ronneburg]
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*[[Recensio paginae "Pagina:Hippocratis jusiurandum.jpg" - Wikisource]]
*[[Horst-Wessel-Lied - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[en.ws:Author:Heinrich Heine]]
*[[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Titles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[wikipedia:Heinrich Heine]]
*[[File:Hymn of Russia sheet music 2001.png - Wikimedia Commons]]
*[http://openlibrary.org/books/OL24276808M/Graded_German_readers Graded German readers (Open Library)]
*[[Copyright law of Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://about.jstor.org/participate-jstor/individuals/early-journal-content Early Journal Content on JSTOR, Free to Anyone in World | JSTOR]
*[[Wikipedia:Wikiquette assistance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[wikipedia:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2011-07-25/In the news]]
*[[Burgmuseum Ronneburg]]
*[http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR: Terms and Conditions of Use]
*[[Nazi book burnings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[wikipedia:Institut für Sexualwissenschaft]]
*[[Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[en.ws:Index:A Brief History of Modern Philosophy.djvu]]
*[[Benutzer:Doug – Wikisource]]
*[http://www.java2s.com/Code/HTMLCSS/Style-Basics/Createaclassinsideblockquote.htm Create a class inside blockquote : Class Selector ¬´ Style Basics ¬´ HTML / CSS]
*[[müssen – Wiktionary]]
*[[en.ws:Author:A. J. Sack]]
*[[User:Dcoetzee/NPG legal threat - Wikimedia Commons]]
*[[en.ws:Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/92]]
*[[Halloween - Wikisource]]
*[[en.ws:Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/93]]
*[[Wikipedia:Village pump (policy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[en.ws:Author:Sergei Nilus]]
*[[Weissbier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[en.ws:Author:Johann Gottlieb Fichte]]
*[[Author:Heinrich Heine - Wikisource]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=%C3%9Cber+den+Grund+unseres+Glaubens+an+eine+gottliche+Weltregierung&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a über den grund unseres glaubens an eine gottliche weltregierung - Google Search]
*[[Heinrich Heine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://piratepad.net/47sQqZvKm7 PiratePad: 47sQqZvKm7]
*[[Graded German readers (Open Library)]]
*[[en.ws:Author:Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling]]
*[[Early Journal Content on JSTOR, Free to Anyone in World | JSTOR]]
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/lesebuchfranf00hagb#page/52/mode/2up Lesebuch für Anfänger]
*[[Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2011-07-25/In the news - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=Daemonologie%2C+in+forme+of+a+dialogue&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=Daemonologie,+in+forme+of+a+dialogue&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&ei=dt68TtHxDcWfOrqRtdAB&start=20&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=89776df1e2ef1879&biw=1441&bih=871 daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue - Google Search]
*[[JSTOR: Terms and Conditions of Use]]
*[http://sessionmanager.mozdev.org/history.html mozdev.org - sessionmanager: history]
*[[Institut für Sexualwissenschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=H.+E.+Butler+translator&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a h. e. butler translator - Google Search]
*[[Amazon.com Shopping Cart]]
*[http://ia600504.us.archive.org/29/items/kingslyricslyric01carr/ Index of /29/items/kingslyricslyric01carr/]
*[[Index:A Brief History of Modern Philosophy.djvu - Wikisource]]
*[http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=title&key=His%20Maiesties%20Poeticall%20Exercises%20at%20vacant%20houres.%20At%20Edinbvrgh%2C%20Printed%20by%20Robert%20Walde-graue%2C%20printer%20to%20the%20Kings%20Maiestie.%20Cum%20priuilegio%20regali%20%5B1591%2C%20reprinted%5D Browse titles: His Maiesties Poeticall Exercises at vacant houres. At Edinbvrgh, Printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Maiestie. Cum priuilegio regali [1591, reprinted] | The Online Books Page]
*[[Create a class inside blockquote : Class Selector ¬´ Style Basics ¬´ HTML / CSS]]
*[http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924013121748 New poems by James I of England, from a hitherto unpublished manuscript (Add. 24195) in the British museum; : James I, King of England, 1566-1625 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive]
*[[Editing Author:A. J. Sack - Wikisource]]
*[http://www.archive.org/details/essayesofprentis00jamerich The essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie. Edinburgh. 1585. A counterblast to tobacco. London, 1604 : James I, King of England, 1566-1625 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive]
*[[Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/92 - Wikisource]]
*[http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22Witchcraft+--+Scotland%22 Internet Archive Search: subject:"Witchcraft -- Scotland"]
*[[Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/93 - Wikisource]]
*[http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_mogrify.htm mogrify - Linux Command - Unix Command]
*[[Editing Author:Sergei Nilus - Wikisource]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=Daemonologie,+in+forme+of+a+dialogue&tbs=,bkv:f&num=10 daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue - Google Search]
*[[Author:Johann Gottlieb Fichte - Wikisource]]
*[http://cloud.lib.wfu.edu/vufind/Record/2251093 ZSR | Holdings: Daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue]
*[[über den grund unseres glaubens an eine gottliche weltregierung - Google Search]]
*[http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/detail/FOLGERCM1~6~6~89441~106473:Daemonologie,-in-forme-of-a-dialogu Daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue, diuided into three bookes. - Folger Shakespeare Library]
*[[PiratePad: 47sQqZvKm7]]
*[http://www.worldcat.org/title/daemonologie-in-forme-of-a-dialogue-diuided-into-three-bookes/oclc/29027436?referer=di&ht=edition Daemonologie : in forme of a dialogue : diuided into three bookes (Book, 1603) [WorldCat.org]]
*[[Author:Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - Wikisource]]
*[http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/view/all/what/Daemonologie,+in+forme+of+a+dialogue,+diuided+into+three+bookes./Printing+privileges+(Publishing)+rbpub?cic=FOLGERCM1~6~6&os=0&pgs=50&sort=Call_Number%2CAuthor%2CCD_Title%2CImprint Browse All : Daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue, diuided into three bookes. and Printing privileges (Publishing) rbpub - Folger Shakespeare Library]]
*[[Wikisource:Scriptorium - Wikisource]]
*[http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/kjd/kjd11.htm Newes from Scotland]
*[[Lesebuch für Anfänger]]
*[http://www.worldcat.org/title/daemonologie-in-forme-of-a-dialogue-diuided-into-three-bookes/oclc/606504683?referer=di&ht=edition Daemonologie : in forme of a dialogue, diuided into three bookes. (eBook, 1597) [WorldCat.org]]
*[[daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue - Google Search]]
*[http://www.loc.gov/search/?q=Daemonologie%20:%20in%20forme%20of%20a%20dialogue%20:%20diuided%20into%20three%20bookes&fa=digitized:true Search Results for "Daemonologie : in forme of a dialogue : diuided into three bookes" -- 1 - 1 of 1 from the Library of Congress]
*[[mozdev.org - sessionmanager: history]]
*[http://www.loc.gov/rr/main/religion/fsl.html Folger Shakespeare Library - Religion Collections in Libraries and Archives (Main Reading Room, Library of Congress)]
*[[h. e. butler translator - Google Search]]
*[http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november09/kulovits/11kulovits.html From TIFF to JPEG 2000? Preservation Planning at the Bavarian State Library Using a Collection of Digitized 16th Century Printings]
*[[Index of /29/items/kingslyricslyric01carr/]]
*[http://www.nla.gov.au/app/eresources/item/1307 eResources - Resource view]
*[[Browse titles: His Maiesties Poeticall Exercises at vacant houres. At Edinbvrgh, Printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Maiestie. Cum priuilegio regali [1591, reprinted] | The Online Books Page]]
*[http://www.blb-karlsruhe.de/blb/blbhtml/digbib/angebot/uebersicht.html Digitale Bibliothek]
*[[New poems by James I of England, from a hitherto unpublished manuscript (Add. 24195) in the British museum; : James I, King of England, 1566-1625 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=scanning+books&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a scanning books - Google Search]
*[[The essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie. Edinburgh. 1585. A counterblast to tobacco. London, 1604 : James I, King of England, 1566-1625 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive]]
*[http://www.goethe.de/wis/bib/dib/en3714867.htm Libraries - Digital Libraries - Goethe-Institut]
*[[Internet Archive Search: subject:"Witchcraft -- Scotland"]]
*[http://boingboing.net/2009/05/03/how-googles-book-sca.html How Google's book-scanner cleverly corrects for the curvature of an open book - Boing Boing]
*[[mogrify - Linux Command - Unix Command]]
*[http://hackedgadgets.com/2008/09/08/scanrobot-automated-book-scanning-robot/ScanRobot - Automated Book Scanning Robot - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog]
*[[daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue - Google Search]]
*[http://www.diybookscanner.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=332&start=10 DIY Book Scanner • View topic - Minimum Camera for Book Scanning]
*[[ZSR | Holdings: Daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue]]
*[http://en.gigazine.net/news/20090525_130m_scanner_digicam/ How to make DIY 130,000,000 pixel digital camera with Epson scanner CCD - GIGAZINE]
*[[Daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue, diuided into three bookes. - Folger Shakespeare Library]]
*[[wikipedia:It's a Long Way to Tipperary]]
*[[Daemonologie : in forme of a dialogue : diuided into three bookes (Book, 1603) [WorldCat.org]]]
*[[wikipedia:Byte order mark]]
*[[Browse All : Daemonologie, in forme of a dialogue, diuided into three bookes. and Printing privileges (Publishing) rbpub - Folger Shakespeare Library]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=jpg+vs+png&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a jpg vs png - Google Search]
*[[Newes from Scotland]]
*[http://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/png-vs-jpg PNG vs JPG: 6 simple lessons you can learn from our mistakes | TurnKey Linux Blog]
*[[Daemonologie : in forme of a dialogue, diuided into three bookes. (eBook, 1597) [WorldCat.org]]]
*[[Search Results for "Daemonologie : in forme of a dialogue : diuided into three bookes" -- 1 - 1 of 1 from the Library of Congress]]
*[http://www.snowolf.eu/ Projects | Snowolf]
*[[Folger Shakespeare Library - Religion Collections in Libraries and Archives (Main Reading Room, Library of Congress)]]
*[http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/melting-temperature-metals-d_860.html Metals - Melting Temperatures]
*[[From TIFF to JPEG 2000? Preservation Planning at the Bavarian State Library Using a Collection of Digitized 16th Century Printings]]
*[[eResources - Resource view]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=1850+taten+sich+in+Paris+die+Herren+Ganneval%2C+Bondier+%26+Donninger+zusammen%2C+um+eine+Firma+zur+Fertigung+von+Meerschaumpfeifen+zu+gr%C3%BCnden+%E2%80%93+ein+mutiger+Schritt+in+politisch+sehr+unruhigen+Zeiten.+Als+Akronym+w%C3%A4hlten+sie+die+Initialen+ihrer+Nachnamen.+Ganneval+kam+vermutlich+aus+der+Gegend+von+Saint-Claude%2C+wo+er+das+Pfeifenmachen+erlernte.+Bondiers+Familie+stammte+offenbar+aus+Paris+und+emigrierte+1789+nach+Genf.+Er+selbst+arbeitete+als+Holzdrechsler+in+der+Ton-+und+Porzellanpfeifenindustrie+in+und+um+Saint-Claude.+Donninger+schlie%C3%9Flich+war+%C3%96sterreicher+oder+Schweizer+und+arbeitete+in+Wien%2C+dem+Zentrum+der+Meerschaumpfeife.+Bondier+%C3%BCberlebte+die+beiden+anderen+um+30+Jahre.+Ihre+Pl%C3%A4tze+hatten+andere+eingenommen.+Das+Eigentum+an+der+Firma+GBD+und+damit+der+offizielle+Name+wechselte+von+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a 1850 taten sich in paris die herren ganneval, bondier & donninger zusammen, um eine firma zur fertigung von meerschaumpfeifen zu gründen – ein mutiger schritt in politisch sehr unruhigen zeiten. als akronym wählten sie die initialen ihrer nachnamen. ganneval kam vermutlich aus der gegend von saint-claude, wo er das pfeifenmachen erlernte. bondiers familie stammte offenbar aus paris und emigrierte 1789 nach genf. er selbst arbeitete als holzdrechsler in der ton- und porzellanpfeifenindustrie in und um saint-claude. donninger schließlich war österreicher oder schweizer und arbeitete in wien, dem zentrum der meerschaumpfeife. bondier überlebte die beiden anderen um 30 jahre. ihre plätze hatten andere eingenommen. das eigentum an der firma gbd und damit der offizielle name wechselte von - Google Search]
*[[Digitale Bibliothek]]
*[[meta:Help talk:Import]]
*[[scanning books - Google Search]]
*[http://pipedia.org/index.php?title=Pipedia:Copyright Pipedia:Copyright - Pipedia]
*[[Libraries - Digital Libraries - Goethe-Institut ]]
*[[How Google's book-scanner cleverly corrects for the curvature of an open book - Boing Boing]]
*[[ScanRobot - Automated Book Scanning Robot - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog]]
*[[mw:Category:Interwiki extensions]]
*[[DIY Book Scanner • View topic - Minimum Camera for Book Scanning]]
*[[dict.cc | rubbing alcohol | English Dictionary]]
*[[wikipedia:Smoking pipe (tobacco)]]
*[[How to make DIY 130,000,000 pixel digital camera with Epson scanner CCD - GIGAZINE]]
*[[It's a Long Way to Tipperary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[mw:User:Peter17/Reasonably efficient interwiki transclusion]]
*[[Recensio paginae "Usor:DougBot" - Wikisource]]
*[[Byte order mark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://www.print-driver.com/news/pdf-vs-djvu-i1909.html PDF vs DjVu. Arguments for and against - Universal Document Converter]
*[[jpg vs png - Google Search]]
*[[mw:Extension:Proofread Page]]
*[[PNG vs JPG: 6 simple lessons you can learn from our mistakes | TurnKey Linux Blog]]
*[[Manual:$wgNamespacesWithSubpages - MediaWiki]]
*[[Projects | Snowolf]]
*[http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/pywikipedia/trunk/pywikipedia/welcome.py?view=markup&pathrev=9623 [pywikipedia] Contents of /trunk/pywikipedia/welcome.py]
*[[User talk:Snowolf - Botwiki]]
*[http://meatballwiki.org/wiki/DevolvePower Meatball Wiki: DevolvePower]
*[[Metals - Melting Temperatures]]
*[[wikilivres:George Orwell]]
*[[Pywikipediabot/replace.py - Meta]]
*[http://www.mwusers.com/forums/showthread.php?9313-How-to-determine-MediaWiki-version How to determine MediaWiki version?]
*[[User creation log - Botwiki]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=thumbnails+on+commons+for+large+files&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a thumbnails on commons for large files - Google Search]
*[[1850 taten sich in paris die herren ganneval, bondier & donninger zusammen, um eine firma zur fertigung von meerschaumpfeifen zu gründen – ein mutiger schritt in politisch sehr unruhigen zeiten. als akronym wählten sie die initialen ihrer nachnamen. ganneval kam vermutlich aus der gegend von saint-claude, wo er das pfeifenmachen erlernte. bondiers familie stammte offenbar aus paris und emigrierte 1789 nach genf. er selbst arbeitete als holzdrechsler in der ton- und porzellanpfeifenindustrie in und um saint-claude. donninger schließlich war österreicher oder schweizer und arbeitete in wien, dem zentrum der meerschaumpfeife. bondier überlebte die beiden anderen um 30 jahre. ihre plätze hatten andere eingenommen. das eigentum an der firma gbd und damit der offizielle name wechselte von - Google Search]]
*[https://www.godaddy.com/domains/nodomain.aspx?ci=17302#1 Domain Name Registration, Domain Transfers. Your domain name search starts here.]
*[[Help talk:Import - Meta]]
*[http://www.godaddy.com/domains/search.aspx Go Daddy Domain Name Search Tool]
*[[Pipedia:Copyright - Pipedia]]
*[https://www.vho.de/idpnl/Authn/UserPassword Virtual Home Organization der DFG-Nationallizenzen]
*[[Manual:$wgImportSources - MediaWiki]]
*[https://applicationmanager.gov/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fHome.aspx Login]
*[[Manual:Interwiki - MediaWiki]]
*[[mw:Manual:Configuring file uploads]]
*[[Category:Interwiki extensions - MediaWiki]]
*[[Page:Gedichte Hesse 1919.djvu]]
*[[Extension:Interwiki - MediaWiki]]
*[[Smoking pipe (tobacco) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[Manual:$wgEnableScaryTranscluding - MediaWiki]]
*[[User:Peter17/Reasonably efficient interwiki transclusion - MediaWiki]]
*[[wikisource:Index:Gedichte Hesse 1919.djvu]]
*[[Extension:InterWiki - MediaWiki]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=pywikipediabot+password&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a pywikipediabot password - Google Search]
*[[PDF vs DjVu. Arguments for and against - Universal Document Converter]]
*[[la.ws:Vicifons:Scriptorium/Vetera II]]
*[[Extension:Proofread Page - MediaWiki]]
*[http://fr.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Mod%C3%A8le:Proofreadpage_header_template&action=edit Voir le texte source - Wikisource]
*[[Manual:$wgUploadPath - MediaWiki]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=pdfimages&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a pdfimages - Google Search]
*[[Manual:thumb.php - MediaWiki]]
*[http://docs.python.org/tutorial/appetite.html 1. Whetting Your Appetite — Python v2.7.2 documentation]
*[[[pywikipedia] Contents of /trunk/pywikipedia/welcome.py]]
*[[:File:Freud - Reflections on war and death.djvu]]
*[[Meatball Wiki: DevolvePower]]
*[[George Orwell - Wikilivres]]
*[http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Other-printing-questions/Laserjet-1100-connection-for-Windows-7/td-p/178791 Laserjet 1100 connection for Windows 7? - HP Support Forum]
*[[How to determine MediaWiki version?]]
*[https://toolserver.org/~misza13/cgi-bin/botwikiupdate.py?file=delinker.py Botwiki source updater]
*[[Version - dougswiki]]
*[[wikipedia:Wikipedia:Creating a bot]]
*[[thumbnails on commons for large files - Google Search]]
*[http://en.pseme.com/wiki/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges Recent changes - PSeME]
*[[My Account]]
*[http://www.javascripter.net/faq/comments.htm Comments in JavaScript]
*[[Domain Name Registration, Domain Transfers. Your domain name search starts here.]]
*[[Go Daddy Domain Name Search Tool]]
*[[wikipedia:Interwiki links]]
*[[Pywikipediabot/Use on non-Wikimedia wikis - Meta]]
*[http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Project:About&action=edit Project:About - translatewiki.net]
*[[Project:Requests - MediaWiki]]
*[[wikipedia:Software release life cycle]]
*[[Recent changes - Wikilivres]]
*[[User group rights - dougswiki]]
*[http://wiki.python.de/$1 $1 - pythonwiki]
*[[Virtual Home Organization der DFG-Nationallizenzen]]
*[http://wiki.python.org/moin/RegularExpression RegularExpression - PythonInfo Wiki]
*[[User:Cygnis insignis - Wikisource]]
*[http://wiki.python.org/moin/Regexp Regexp - PythonInfo Wiki]
*[[perusal - Google Search]]
*[http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/branches/REL1_18/phase3/UPGRADE?view=markup [mediawiki] Contents of /branches/REL1_18/phase3/UPGRADE]
*[[Printable Receipt]]
*[http://www.uic.edu/depts/accc/software/unixgeneral/unix101.html Basic UNIX commands]
*[[USAJOBS - Search Jobs]]
*[http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/maintenance/dumpBackup.php?view=markup [mediawiki] Contents of /trunk/phase3/maintenance/dumpBackup.php]]
*[http://dumps.wikimedia.org/lvwikibooks/20111124/ lvwikibooks dump progress on 20111124]
*[[Manual:Configuring file uploads - MediaWiki]]
*[http://www.uic.edu/depts/accc/software/unixgeneral/unix101.html UNIX 101: Basic UNIX]
*[[Page:Gedichte Hesse 1919.djvu - dougswiki]]
*[[Manual:ProofreadPage - MediaWiki]]
*[[Manual:$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse - MediaWiki]]
*[[wikipedia:Semantic MediaWiki]]
*[[Manual:$wgThumbnailScriptPath - MediaWiki]]
*[[MediaWiki:Proofreadpage header template - Wikisource]]
*[[mw:Extension:SyntaxHighlight GeSHi]]
*[[Index:Gedichte Hesse 1919.djvu - Wikisource]]
*[http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#at-import Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance]
*[[pywikipediabot password - Google Search]]
*[http://htmlhelp.com/reference/css/style-html.html Linking Style Sheets to HTML]
*[[Recensio paginae "Vicifons:Scriptorium/Vetera I" - Wikisource]]
*[[Vicifons:Scriptorium/Vetera II - Wikisource]]
*[http://wikidev.net/MediaWiki_skin_tweaks MediaWiki skin tweaks - wikidev.net]
*[[User:Inductiveload - Wikisource]]
*[[Voir le texte source - Wikisource]]
*[[wikinews:MediaWiki:Common.css/User:Bawolff/sandbox/mockup based on tempo's local news idea]]
*[[Pywikipediabot/Use on non-Wikimedia wikis - Meta]]
*[http://webdesign.about.com/cs/css/ht/htcommentcss.htm How to Comment CSS]
*[[pdfimages - Google Search]]
*[http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.doughendrick.com%2Fwiki%2FMediaWiki%3ACommon.css&profile=css21&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=en W3C CSS Validator results for http://wiki.doughendrick.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css (CSS level 2.1)]
*[[1. Whetting Your Appetite — Python v2.7.2 documentation]]
*[http://www.google.com/search?q=importing+text%2Fplain+as+css&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a importing text/plain as css - Google Search]
*[[File:Freud - Reflections on war and death.djvu - Wikimedia Commons]]
*[http://css-tricks.com/551-can-we-prevent-css-caching/ Can We Prevent CSS Caching? | CSS-Tricks]
*[[User:Entropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/Servlet-Tutorial/Servlet-Tutorial-JSP.html Servlet Tutorial: JavaServer Pages (JSP) 1.0]
*[[Laserjet 1100 connection for Windows 7? - HP Support Forum]]
*[http://www.codingforums.com/archive/index.php/t-12752.html CSS Imports in NS [Archive] - CodingForums.com]
*[[Amazon.com: 50% Off or More - Prime Eligible / Gemstones: Jewelry]]
*[http://webops.uwaterloo.ca/thecss/addowncss.html WebOps: Adding Your Own Custom CSS]
*[[Botwiki source updater]]
*[https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Incorrect_MIME_Type_for_CSS_Files Incorrect MIME Type for CSS Files - MDN]
*[[Wikipedia:Creating a bot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinQuestions/Other#Mozilla_Firefox_.28sometimes.29_ignores_the_CSS_stylesheet MoinMoinQuestions/Other - MoinMoin]
*[[Special pages - Botwiki]]
*[http://moinmo.in/AddType AddType - MoinMoin]
*[[User:Doug - dougswiki]]
*[[Recent changes - PSeME]]
*[[Comments in JavaScript]]
*[[MediaWiki:Tooltip-preview - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[Interwiki links - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[Editing Project:About - translatewiki.net]]
*[[Software release life cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[Pywikipediabot - Wikiversity]]
*[[$1 - pythonwiki]]
*[[RegularExpression - PythonInfo Wiki]]
*[[Regexp - PythonInfo Wiki]]
*[[[mediawiki] Contents of /branches/REL1_18/phase3/UPGRADE]]
*[[Basic UNIX commands]]
*[[[mediawiki] Contents of /trunk/phase3/maintenance/dumpBackup.php]]
*[[lvwikibooks dump progress on 20111124]]
*[[UNIX 101: Basic UNIX]]
*[[Manual:dumpBackup.php - MediaWiki]]
*[[Version - Wikisource]]
*[[Extension:Babel - MediaWiki]]
*[[Semantic MediaWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]]
*[[Extension:LiquidThreads - MediaWiki]]
*[[Extension:SyntaxHighlight GeSHi - MediaWiki]]
*[[View source - Meta]]
*[[MediaWiki:Common.css - dougswiki]]
*[[Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance]]
*[[Linking Style Sheets to HTML]]
*[[MediaWiki:Monobook.css/eu - Meta]]
*[[MediaWiki skin tweaks - wikidev.net]]
*[[MediaWiki:Common.js - Wiktionary]]
*[[MediaWiki:Common.css/User:Bawolff/sandbox/mockup based on tempo's local news idea - Wikinews, the free news source]]
*[[MediaWiki:Common.css - Wikisource]]
*[[How to Comment CSS]]
*[[W3C CSS Validator results for http://wiki.doughendrick.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css (CSS level 2.1)]]
*[[importing text/plain as css - Google Search]]
*[[Can We Prevent CSS Caching? | CSS-Tricks]]
*[[Servlet Tutorial: JavaServer Pages (JSP) 1.0]]
*[[CSS Imports in NS [Archive] - CodingForums.com]]
*[[WebOps: Adding Your Own Custom CSS]]
*[[Incorrect MIME Type for CSS Files - MDN]]
*[[MoinMoinQuestions/Other - MoinMoin]]
*[[AddType - MoinMoin]]
*[[Replacing the Print Cartridges HP PSC 1315 All-in-One Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)]]
*[[Replacing the Print Cartridges HP PSC 1315 All-in-One Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)]]
*[[Clean & maintain HP Photosmart C4480 All-in-One Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)]]
*[[Clean & maintain HP Photosmart C4480 All-in-One Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)]]
Line 208: Line 167:
*[[Finding and Installing Cartridges after Moving to Another Country HP Photosmart C4480 All-in-One Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)]]
*[[Finding and Installing Cartridges after Moving to Another Country HP Photosmart C4480 All-in-One Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)]]
*[[List of Wikimedia wikis - Wikimedia Foundation]]
*[[List of Wikimedia wikis - Wikimedia Foundation]]
*[[Wikimedia Labs]]
*[[Wikimedia Labs]] -http://en.labs.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
*[[TestWiki]]- http://testwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page
*[[Wikipedia:Community portal - Wikipedia]]
*[[Wikipedia:Community portal - Wikipedia]]
*[[Wikipedia:Village pump - Test Wikipedia]]
*[[Wikipedia:Village pump - Test Wikipedia]]
*[[freenode: using the network]]
*[http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml freenode: using the network]

Latest revision as of 00:50, 5 March 2017

Random links that I found as open tabs, not sorted and mostly probably not important: