- This is a personal developmental wiki, it may often be in an unstable or experimental state and the lack of meaningful content on a page is often intentional; however, you can participate. Please: 1) create an account, 2) confirm your e-mail, 3) send Deirdre and e-mail telling her who you are and why you are interested. Thanks, --Deirdre(talk contribs)

Template:Hauptseite Box Über Mich

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Revision as of 23:41, 18 February 2012 by Deirdre (Talk | contribs) (create)

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Esoteric Taijitu.svg About Me

Doug Hendrick is the owner of this website. He is an attorney and an accountant living in Germany. Doug created this site as a place to gather the many references he was gathering up and to try to cut down on the number of open tabs in Firefox while not forgetting where in his bookmarks he put that darned link.

There is more information available about Doug at his main website (which is currently just a short bio) at the next higher level domain and he has a blog as well - though it's chronically out of date. Doug can receive e-mail at send Doug and e-mail.