- This is a personal developmental wiki, it may often be in an unstable or experimental state and the lack of meaningful content on a page is often intentional; however, you can participate. Please: 1) create an account, 2) confirm your e-mail, 3) send Deirdre and e-mail telling her who you are and why you are interested. Thanks, --Deirdre(talk contribs)


From DeeDeeswiki
Revision as of 14:22, 17 April 2011 by Deirdre (Talk | contribs) (create)

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I am Doug and this is my Wiki. This is a personal/test wiki, things here may not remain here. This place may also contain lots of apparently random links and information collected for solely my personal use. Some of the work here may be prototypes of work intended for collaboration, if you want to participate please create an account and I'll be happy to have you join in.

I participate in several "public" wikis and fora, including:

  • Wikimedia - particularly:
    • the English Wikisource
    • the Latin Wikisource
    • the English Wikipedia
    • Wikimedia Commons
    • I also have an account on Bugzilla